Causes of Preggophilia

Filed in Escort | Posted by admin on September 2, 2024

Causes of Preggophilia

Preggophilia (which combines preggo, which refers to pregnant women, with the term “philia,” meaning love or affection), is a subculture which involves sexual attraction to pregnant people. Although some view this attraction negatively, many men and women do have this attraction for pregnant people and their bodies despite stigmatism; many find them beautiful. While some individuals use this attraction non-consensually such as masturbation or sexual acts with pregnant people without consent; many preggophiles use this attraction by making pregnant women feel beautiful, wanted and loved; nothing should make anyone ashamed of anything!

Preggophilia can have various sources, ranging from early sexual experiences and associations that they link with arousal over time, to hormonal changes or psychological factors; other times it may result in tokophobia – fear of pregnancy and childbirth that often manifests more often among women due to either bad experiences with childbirth or abortion, hearing stories from friends or family about traumatizing labor and delivery experiences, mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety or an emotional trigger such as domestic abuse or domestic violence.

Delusional pregnancy, or pseudocyesis, is another cause of preggophilia. This occurs when someone believes they are pregnant when tests and other symptoms prove otherwise; often due to stress and/or lack of trust in medical care; but can also stem from emotional/financial hardship, childhood abuse, relationship problems or poverty – but should never be used to gain financial or personal gain illegally and punishable by law.